The first-in-human clinical trial of “off-the-shelf”, allogeneic CAR-NKTs indicate that these cells are well tolerated and can mediate objective responses in relapsed or refractory NHL and ALL patients even at low doses.
A novel therapeutic strategy utilizing off-the-shelf iNKT cells shows potential for enhancing antitumor immunity in PD-1 refractory tumors and overcoming resistance to checkpoint inhibitors
Donor-specific iNKT biomarkers of survival and sustained functionality, which are conserved in dogs and humans and retained upon CAR-engineering, correlate with extended persistence in immunocompetent, MHC-mismatched canine recipients
Autologous GD2-specific CAR NKT cells co-expressing an interleukin 15 transgene (GD2-CAR.15) exhibited a safe profile in 12 children with neuroblastoma. Two partial responses and one complete response were observed.
CAR-iNKT cells are a powerful anti-tumor therapy, that is further enhanced by combination with checkpoint inhibitors, and can potentially reduce the risk of GVHD after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Anti-TCRVβ CAR T and CAR iNKT cells show promise for treating T Cell Lymphomas, with CAR iNKTs from healthy donors providing a safe and valuable 'off-the-shelf' option